Psychology & Psychiatry

Why most people are right handed but left eyed

Whether you're left, right or ambidextrous, "handedness" is part of our identity. But a lot of people don't realize that we have other biases too and they are not unique to humans. My colleagues and I have published a new ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teen self-harm rates: What other countries can learn from Denmark

Concern has been growing over rising rates of self-harm in teenagers. In the UK and Ireland, increases began around the time of the 2008 economic crash and show no sign of slowing. One study of the UK found rates among teenage ...


NFTs offer new method to control personal health information

NFTs, or nonfungible tokens, created using blockchain technology, first made a splash in the art world as a platform to buy and sell digital art backed by a digital contract. But could NFT digital contracts be useful in other ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Tis better to give than to receive?

Providing support to a loved one offers benefits to the giver, not just the recipient, a new brain-imaging study by UCLA life scientists reveals.

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