Psychology & Psychiatry

Anxiety can kill your social status

Neuroscientists at EPFL identify a brain region that links anxious temperament to low social status. The researchers were able to tweak social hierarchy in animals by using vitamin B3.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dominant men make decisions faster

Hierarchies exist across all human and animal societies, organized by what behavioral scientists refer to as dominance. Dominant individuals tend to climb higher up the hierarchy ladder of their particular society, earning ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Jealousy and envy at work are different in men and women

A study carried out by researchers from Spain, the Netherlands and Argentina suggests that in a work environment, sexual competition affects women more than men. However, a rival's social skills provoke jealousy and professional ...


Peer pressure trumps 'thin' ideals in the media

Peers exert a greater influence on teenage girls' dissatisfaction with their bodies than do thin ideals in television or social media use, according to new research by Dr. Christopher J. Ferguson and colleagues from Texas ...


Future pandemics targeted by new Oxford research center

Oxford University is launching an effort to bring together academic, industry and government experts from around the world to use the lessons learned from COVID-19 in the fight against future pandemics.


Sporting tips for parents and preschoolers

Parents should think twice before putting preschoolers into competitive sporting programs, say Flinders University experts who are concerned about sport participation levels throughout school years to young adulthood.

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