Psychology & Psychiatry

Achievement and escapism can lead to online video game addiction

As online video games increase in popularity—particularly with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing people to stay home—some players are becoming addicted as they seek feelings of achievement and escape, according to new research ...

Oncology & Cancer

Experts propose 'cyber war' on cancer

In the face of mounting evidence that cancer cells communicate, cooperate and even engage in collective decision-making, biophysicists and cancer researchers at Rice University, Tel Aviv University and Johns Hopkins University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New research shows metaphors reveal personality

(Medical Xpress)—A new study by Adam K. Fetterman, a recent doctoral graduate in psychology, and Michael D. Robinson, professor of psychology at North Dakota State University, shows that metaphors for the head and the heart ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Being around children makes adults more generous

Adults are more compassionate and are up to twice as likely to donate to charity when children are present, according to a new study from psychologists.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Alarm bells as US abortion ruling fuels rush on morning-after pill

When the US Supreme Court overturned the nationwide right to abortion, Julie Crowe went straight online to do some shopping. She ordered 10 packs of the emergency contraceptive pill known as Plan B for immediate delivery.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Helicopter parenting backfires, study shows

(Medical Xpress)—If your mom or dad has ever contacted one of your professors, intervened to settle a dispute with your roommates, or hunted for jobs on your behalf, they might be helicopter parents.

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