Psychology & Psychiatry

Feeling lonely? Turn up the volume!

Sound could be used to combat feelings of loneliness, including during COVID-19-related lockdowns and quarantine, according to new research from James Cook University.


Researchers suggest schoolchildren should dance more in schools

The latest research findings and Finland's core curriculum encourage children to stand up from their desks and learn through physical activity and movement, but the process of adopting the new methods in practice is still ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why do chronically lonely teens stay lonely?

For chronically lonely adolescents, even the rare invitation to a social event is likely to be met with suspicion: "It's not that I'm worthy, I just got lucky," they'll tell themselves.


World's largest blind symbol unveiled in Vienna

The world's largest blind symbol -- a yellow banner with three black spots -- was unveiled Thursday at Vienna's St. Stephen's cathedral on the occasion of World Sight Day.


Society's excluded people 10 times more likely to die early

People excluded from mainstream society in high-income countries have a tenfold increased risk of early death, according to research from UCL, homeless health charity Pathway and an international team of experts.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Being ignored online or in person, it's still exclusion

People who are excluded by others online, such as on Facebook, may feel just as bad as if they had been excluded in person, according to researchers at Penn State and Misericordia University.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Compulsory treatment orders for mental illness need reviewing

(Medical Xpress)—Discharging mental health patients on community treatment orders after they have been involuntarily hospitalised may require them to be on long periods of compulsory treatment without any benefit for the ...

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