Psychology & Psychiatry

U.S. youth suicide rate reaches 20-year high

(HealthDay)—Suicide rates among teens and young adults have reached their highest point in nearly two decades, a new study reports.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mental health workers: The overlooked victims of 9/11

We've all heard about the stress experienced by victims of 9/11, but have we ever paused to think about the effect of those terrorist attacks on mental health clinicians who provided care to the victims? A new study by Mary ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Tips for students to avoid burnout

Between school, homework and extracurricular activities, it can be hard for students to balance all of their responsibilities, which can lead to a feeling of being burned out. Baylor College of Medicine's Dr. Karen Lawson ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Lockdowns are leaving kids with ADHD in crisis

(HealthDay)—When clinical psychologist Maggie Sibley thinks about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, she worries most about the older teens ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why does conflict arise when social identity is threatened?

Be it at school, office, the neighborhood or the community people live in, conflicting situations amongst various groups might arise on an almost day to day basis. Today, the prevalence of these intergroup conflicts is on ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Religion replenishes self-control

There are many theories about why religion exists, most of them unproven. Now, in an article published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, psychologist Kevin Rounding of Queen's ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fear of the flush: Social anxiety and public restrooms

Most people experience anxiety at times. It's a normal emotion that can help us detect danger. But there's a fine line between our evolutionary instincts and a debilitating condition.

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