Psychology & Psychiatry

The 'silent majority' agrees with me, voters believe

We like to think that others agree with us. It's called "social projection," and it helps us validate our beliefs and ourselves. Psychologists have found that we tend to think people who are similar to us in one explicit ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Hold the extra burgers and fries when people pleasers arrive

If you are a people-pleaser who strives to keep your social relationships smooth and comfortable, you might find yourself overeating in certain social situations like Super Bowl watch parties. A new study from Case Western ...


Binge drinkers beware, drunkorexia is calling

Mojito, appletini or a simple glass of fizz—they may take the edge off a busy day, but if you find yourself bingeing on more than a few, you could be putting your physical and mental health at risk according new research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychology can help patients beat obesity problem, says expert

Psychologists have expertise to understand the causes of obesity and should be central to help the prevention and treatment of the condition, according to a leading Health Psychologist from the University of Bedfordshire.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Getting a new perspective on autism

Much-needed insight into raising young children with autism in Malaysia highlights the need to improve local research, awareness, acceptance and support services.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Copying is social phenomenon, not just learning, say scientists

Mimicking the behaviour of mum and dad has long been considered a vital way in which children learn about the world around them. Now psychologists at The University of Nottingham have shown that copying unnecessary behaviour ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to deal with anxiety

It's natural for everyone to experience anxiety at different times in their lives. Maybe you're worried about making a good first impression with your new partner's family, and you become anxious in the days leading up to ...

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