Psychology & Psychiatry

Video games boost visual attention but reduce impulse control

A person playing a first-person shooter video game like Halo or Unreal Tournament must make decisions quickly. That fast-paced decision-making, it turns out, boosts the player's visual skills but comes at a cost, according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Nobody likes a 'fat-talker,' study shows

(Medical Xpress)—Women who engage in "fat talk"—the self-disparaging remarks girls and women make in relation to eating, exercise or their bodies—are less liked by their peers, a new study from the University of Notre ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Living through a tornado does not shake optimism

Even in the face of a disaster, we remain optimistic about our chances of injury compared to others, according to a new study. Residents of a town struck by a tornado thought their risk of injury from a future tornado was ...


Happy in marriage, heavier on the scale?

(HealthDay)—Everyone has had that friend who was svelte when single and then became noticeably more plump after entering a state of marital bliss. Now, there is new evidence that it was not your imagination: After following ...

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