
COVID-19 lockdowns prematurely aged teenage brains, study finds

During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world implemented restrictive measures—such as stay-at-home orders and school closures—to mitigate the spread of the respiratory illness. It's been well-documented ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why 'socializing' your young child is so important

When you have a young child, you can wind up spending most of your time changing diapers and feeding them, but one expert suggests that socialization is also important for your child's future well-being.

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Social sciences

The social sciences are the sciences, or the systematic knowledge-bases or prescriptive practices capable of resulting in a prediction or predictable type of outcome, relating to the social improvement of the community; a department in the more general extended field is Sociology. The social sciences initially were constituted of five fields: Jurisprudence and Amendment of the Law; Education; Health; Economy and Trade; Art. The contemporary field of science comprise academic disciplines concerned with the study of the social life of human groups, animals and individuals; This includes anthropology, archaeology, communication studies, cultural studies, demography, economics, human geography, history, linguistics, media studies, political science, psychology, and social work.

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