Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Shining a stochastic spotlight on Ebola

The 2014 outbreak of Ebola virus disease, the worst since the disease first appeared in 1976, has claimed more than 11,000 lives in the West African nations of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, and a handful more in nearby ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Effects of mass violence under spotlight

An internationally renowned group of experts are to examine how the appalling effects of mass violence play out in the months and years after they have been perpetrated.


Unique software supports behavioural intervention programmes

The internet offers users a cost-effective way of accessing information and advice on any health problem, 24-hours a day. A group of social scientists has taken advantage of this by developing software which enables other ...


Adequate midwifery could save over 3 million lives

Up to 3.6 million lives could be saved every year if midwifery services were upgraded in 58 developing countries by 2015, according to a major new report released by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), in partnership ...

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