Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Tracking the pandemic means finding the 'canaries in the coalmine'

Dr. Nicholas A. Christakis, Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale, has devoted years to investigating how social networks affect our health and behavior. His work offers insight into how to track and address ...


What's the most dangerous day of the year? Watch out on these ones

Society has become increasingly preoccupied with risk. So it's unsurprising that as social scientists, we are constantly being asked to predict where harm is most likely to strike. In terms of crime and disorder—our specialty—we ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The sad truth about happiness scales

You might feel sad after looking closer at studies about happiness. That's because an emotion that's easy to experience is immensely difficult to measure, says Purdue University economist Timothy Bond.


Good medicine depends on diversity

Precision medicine represents a revolution in health care. Doctors and researchers may soon be able to use the genetic profiles of patients to predict with great accuracy which treatment and prevention protocols will work ...

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