
The myth of 'no place like home' when it comes to end of life

She died at home, but it wasn't the romantic scene found in movies, where the family held her hand and she simply closed her eyes. In reality, there was a night when she had diarrhea 12 times. In reality, every time she had ...


What predicts teen partner rape?

If teen partner rape could be predicted, it could be better prevented. Social scientists from Michigan State University are helping close that gap by identifying risk factors linked to sexual violence in young women's first ...


Mortality rates rising for Gens X and Y too

Declining life expectancies in the U.S. include Gen X and Y Americans, in addition to the older Baby Boomers. But the causes of premature mortality vary by race, gender and ethnicity, according to a new study from Duke University.


Beyond blue eyes or brown eyes—rethinking genetics

We often hear that traits are "genetic." And to many of us, that's code for "fate." If both our parents are tall, we think our kids will be too. Or if our grandmother has Alzheimer's disease, we assume that's our future as ...


Can genetics play a role in education and well-being?

When Daniel Benjamin was just beginning his PhD program in economics in 2001, he attended a conference with his graduate school advisers. They took in a presentation on neuroeconomics, a nascent field dealing with how the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Opinion: Why are we becoming so narcissistic? Here's the science

The subject of narcissism has intrigued people for centuries, but social scientists now claim that it has become a modern "epidemic". So what is it, what has led to its increase, and is there anything we can do about it?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Depicting as a method of communication

When we think of language, we usually think of words, phrases, and sentences—strings of abstract symbols. In research over the past 50 years, cognitive and social scientists have developed extensive accounts of how people ...


Concern over skin whitener marketing

A study led by a James Cook University marketing expert has raised concerns over the ethics of the marketing of skin-whitening products, widely available in Australia.

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