Researchers develop simple, affordable HIV testing device

HIV is one of the world's most serious public health challenges, and molecular detection plays a significant role in early diagnosis and antiretroviral therapy for HIV patients. The current "gold standard" of HIV testing ...


How does social behavior lead to clusters of vaccine hesitancy?

Geographical pockets of vaccination behavior can be attributed to both pre-existing sociodemographic clusters as well as the way vaccine hesitancy spreads through neighboring societies, according to a new study publishing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleepless and selfish: Lack of sleep makes us less generous

Humans help each other—it's one of the foundations of civilized society. But a new study by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, reveals that a lack of sleep blunts this fundamental human attribute, with ...

Biomedical technology

'Smart' diaper for bedside urine testing

Urine can reveal a lot about a person's health. But physicians don't currently have a convenient or fast way of tracking the concentration of important compounds in their patients' urine. Now, researchers reporting in ACS ...

Radiology & Imaging

An illuminated 3D tour of lower back pain

Back pain affects many people at some point in their lives, and a common cause is damage to the squishy discs or flexible, rubbery tissues of the spine. However, observing this damage at an early stage is difficult with current ...

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