
Christopher Gardner on non-nutritive sweeteners

It sounds like a no-brainer: To cut your sugar intake, just switch to foods and drinks with no-calorie, artificial sweeteners. That way, you’ll still satisfy your sweet tooth without packing on the extra pounds, right? ...

Medical research

Tasting fructose with the pancreas

Taste receptors on the tongue help us distinguish between safe food and food that's spoiled or toxic. But taste receptors are now being found in other organs, too. In a study published online the week of February 6 by the ...


Caffeine promotes drink flavor preference in adolescents

Research to be presented at the upcoming annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB), the foremost society for research into all aspects of eating and drinking behavior, indicates that caffeine ...

Oncology & Cancer

Grant to fuel baking soda cancer therapy research

A $2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health will enable University of Arizona biomedical engineering researchers to improve the way doctors measure the effectiveness of drinking baking soda to fight breast cancer.


Sipping is terrible for your teeth

If you think sugar, soda, and sticky sweets are bad for your teeth, you're right. But there's something even worse: sipping.


Can soda tax curb obesity?

(Medical Xpress) -- To many, a tax on soda is a no-brainer in advancing the nation’s war on obesity. Advocates point to a number of studies in recent years that conclude that sugary drinks have a lot to do with why Americans ...


Do diet drinks make you eat more?

(HealthDay)—Overweight adults often turn to diet beverages to help them slim down, but this tactic might backfire, new research suggests.

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