
How to eat less salt

Chances are you consume too much sodium, which can cause high blood pressure. Putting away the saltshaker is never a bad idea, but the vast majority of the sodium we consume comes from packaged foods and restaurant meals. ...


AAN issues guideline for treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy refers to nerve damage due to diabetes and it may lead to pain and numbness, most often in the hands and feet. To help neurologists and other doctors determine the best treatment for people with diabetic ...


Sodium in unexpected places

A patient with diabetes and heart disease told me he hardly uses salt. "I do buy more convenience foods since my wife died, though," he continued. That's an issue, according to new guidance to food manufacturers from the ...


Rare form of autism exhales secrets of breathing

Breathing difficulties mark a rare form of autism. Now, UConn researchers have traced the symptom to a specific set of brain cells—and possibly found a way to help sufferers.


FDA spells out lower sodium goals for food industry

Food companies are coming under renewed pressure to use less salt after U.S. regulators spelled out long-awaited guidelines aimed at reducing sodium levels in dozens of foods including condiments, cereals, french fries and ...

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