
Providing naloxone in the emergency department can save lives

Overdose deaths continue to be a national tragedy. More than 800,000 Americans died from an overdose between 1999–2019, and the annual rate of overdoses has increased dramatically during the pandemic, according to the latest ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Where you live is a factor in your dementia risk

A Monash University study has found people who live in more affluent areas have superior memories and a lower risk of developing dementia, highlighting the need for better facilities in disadvantaged areas to promote healthy ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Exposure to great outdoors boosted mental health during pandemic

People exposed to more green space during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic reported significantly less depression and anxiety, according to new University of Colorado Boulder research published March 2 in the journal ...


Love of nature is partially heritable, study of twins shows

A person's appreciation of nature and their tendency to visit natural spaces are heritable characteristics, according to a large-scale study of UK twins led by Chia-chen Chang at the National University of Singapore, publishing ...

Biomedical technology

Leveraging outer space to advance stem cell science and medicine

The secret to producing large batches of stem cells more efficiently may lie in the near-zero gravity conditions of space. Scientists at Cedars-Sinai have found that microgravity has the potential to contribute to life-saving ...

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