Biomedical technology

Wearable skin patch monitors hemoglobin in deep tissues

A team of engineers at the University of California San Diego has developed an electronic patch that can monitor biomolecules in deep tissues, including hemoglobin. This gives medical professionals unprecedented access to ...


Laser light offers new tool for treating bone cancer

Of the many ways to treat cancer, the oldest, and maybe most tried and true, is surgery. Even with the advent of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and more experimental treatments like bacteria that seek and destroy cancer ...


Capturing cortical connectivity close-up

The brain is made up of a complex series of networks—signals are constantly bouncing between those networks to allow us to experience the world and move through it effectively.


New gene identified in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy

Researchers from the group of Eva van Rooij at the Hubrecht Institute have used advanced sequencing technology to better understand the heart disease arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, in which heart muscle tissue is replaced ...

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