Psychology & Psychiatry

From sounds to the meaning

Without understanding the "referential function" of language (words as "verbal labels," symbolizing other things), it is impossible to learn a language. Is this implicit knowledge already present early in infants? A study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mouse study sheds light on how antipsychotics work

Antipsychotic drugs are used to treat and manage symptoms of many psychiatric disorders, but their mechanisms of action remain a mystery. FMI researchers have found that antipsychotics reduce long-range communication within ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Voice prostheses can help patients regain their lost voice

Help is on the way for people who suffer from vocal cord dysfunction. Researchers are developing methods that will contribute to manufacturing voice prostheses with improved affective features. For example, for little girls ...


Can a newborn's brain discriminate speech sounds?

People's ability to perceive speech sounds has been deeply studied, specially during someone's first year of life, but what happens during the first hours after birth? Are babies born with innate abilities to perceive speech ...


Team glimpses how the brain transforms sound

When people hear the sound of footsteps or the drilling of a woodpecker, the rhythmic structure of the sounds is striking, says Michael Wehr, a professor of psychology at the University of Oregon.

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