
Walking speed could be a new indicator of health

Walking speed is making strides toward becoming a key metric of a person's health with the launch of the 6th Vital Sign, a first-of-its kind study being conducted by the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI). 


How sex, sunshine and exercise makes us sneeze

As the dreaded flu season approaches you might want to consider this—research shows that a sneeze can travel up to 70cm and it can be caused by sunshine, exercise and even sex.


Healthy heart equals healthy brain

A healthy heart may have major benefits for preventing the decline in brain function that sometimes accompanies aging, according to new research in Journal of the American Heart Association.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Speed reading promises are too good to be true, scientists find

Learning to speed read seems like an obvious strategy for making quick work of all the emails, reports, and other pieces of text we encounter every day, but a new report shows that the claims put forth by many speed reading ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Quick thinkers are charismatic

Charisma may rely on quick thinking, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

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