
Prolonged stress can impact quality of sperm, study says

Prolonged stress, such as that experienced during military conflict, can have an adverse impact on sperm quality, according to a new study by researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and Soroka University Medical ...


Study examines sperm production in men with testicular cancer

In a study of men with testicular cancer, increasing tumor size relative to testis size was linked with a reduced ability to produce sperm. The BJU International study's findings can be summarized into the rule of 50s: men ...

Medical research

Infertility mechanism in males identified

Large doses of a sperm protein that is ineffective in infertile males can be injected directly into eggs to kick-start fertilization, giving couples hope of conceiving.


Low sperm count not just a problem for fertility

A man's semen count is a marker of his general health, according to the largest study to date evaluating semen quality, reproductive function and metabolic risk in men referred for fertility evaluation. The study results, ...

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