
Sperm count 50% lower in sons of fathers who smoke

Studies have repeatedly linked maternal smoking during pregnancy with reduced sperm counts in male offspring. Now a research team at Lund University in Sweden has discovered that, independently of nicotine exposure from the ...


Scientists link dietary DHA to male fertility

Who knew that male fertility depends on sperm-cell architecture? A University of Illinois study reports that a certain omega-3 fatty acid is necessary to construct the arch that turns a round, immature sperm cell into a pointy-headed ...

Medical research

Sperm quality study updates advice for couples trying to conceive

Could doctors at fertility clinics be giving men bad advice? Dr. Da Li and Dr. XiuXia Wang, who are clinician-researchers at the Center for Reproductive Medicine of Shengjing Hospital in Shenyang in northeast China, think ...

Medical research

Revealed: How sticky egg captures sperm

Researchers have uncovered exactly how a human egg captures an incoming sperm to begin the fertilisation process, in a new study published this week in the journal Science.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Only 21% of women who use their frozen eggs become mothers

As the trend for older motherhood continues, amid warnings from experts about the sharp decline in a woman's fertility in her mid-30s, more and more women are considering egg freezing as a form of "insurance" against age-related ...


Parental diet affects sperm and health of future offspring

When parents eat low-protein or high-fat diets, it can lead to metabolic disorders in their adult offspring. Now, an international team led by researchers at the RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research (CPR) has identified ...

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