Obstetrics & gynaecology

Sperm syringe offers new hope to infertile couples

A Monash University-developed syringe that uses a 3D filter to detect viable sperm can increase sperm quality selection by 65%, bringing new hope to infertile couples.

Medical research

Collecting sperm from COVID-19 patients

How does COVID-19 affect sperm and thus the next generation´s immune system? Researchers from the University of Bergen are collecting sperm to find the answer.


Zinc, folic acid supplements fail to enhance male fertility

Zinc and folic acid, a pair of dietary supplements long touted as an effective treatment for male infertility, failed to improve pregnancy rates, sperm counts, and sperm potency in a new study conducted at University of Utah ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Pros and cons of egg banking

Freezing and storing your own eggs when you are not trying to get pregnant used to be rare. It was something young women with cancer might do, if treatment could badly damage their eggs or ability to ovulate.

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