Obstetrics & gynaecology

Baby hope for unsuccessful IVF couples

A new study looking at conception rates after couples have gone through IVF treatment could offer hope to those for whom the process was unsuccessful.

Medical research

Lack of seipin in testes could cause male infertility

(Medical Xpress)—Jiahao Sha and his colleagues at Nanjing University in China studied humans and mice with genetic abnormalities that prevent them from producing a protein called seipin. Lack of seipin causes body fat to ...


Frozen sperm retains its viability in outer space conditions

Zillionaires like Amazon founder Jeff Bezos who see the 'colonisation' of space as an answer to the Earth's ever threatened resources will be reassured to learn that human sperm retains its complete viability within the different ...


New research a step closer to male contraceptive pill

(Medical Xpress)—New insights into sperms' swimming skills shed light on male infertility, which affects one in 20 men, and could provide a new avenue to the development of a male contraceptive pill.

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