Obstetrics & gynaecology

New test assesses sperm function

Two new publications in the journal Molecular Reproduction and Development validate the usefulness of a test that determines if sperm can capacitate, a process that allows them to fertilize an egg.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

New microscopy may identify best sperm cells

More than 10% of American women aged 15-44 struggle to conceive or maintain full-term pregnancies, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Assisted reproductive technology (ART), through which eggs ...

Medical research

Mutation may cause early loss of sperm supply

Brown University biologists have determined how the loss of a gene in male mice results in the premature exhaustion of their fertility. Their fundamental new insights into the complex process of sperm generation may have ...

Oncology & Cancer

Type of lymphoma treatment impacts degree of harm to sperm

(HealthDay)—Lymphoma treatment has damaging effects on spermatogenesis but, in most patients, sperm production recovers within two years post-treatment, according to a study published online July 17 in Fertility and Sterility.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Extra sperm analysis could help involuntarily childless couples

New research findings from Lund University, Sweden show that a simple analysis of chromosomal breaks in sperms can help guide choice of fertility treatment and, thereby, increase chances of successful assisted reproduction ...


Poor semen quality in Switzerland

Over the last 50 years, a marked decrease in sperm count has been observed in the western world. But what about the situation in Switzerland? Up until now, no study had evaluated the reproductive health of Swiss young men. ...

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