Obstetrics & gynaecology

New weekly fertility injections work as well as daily

New long-lasting weekly injections of fertility hormones are as safe and effective as standard daily injections, according to Cochrane researchers. The researchers compared weekly and daily hormone injections in a Cochrane ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Fertility treatment bans in Europe draw criticism

(AP) -- More than three decades after Britain produced the world's first test-tube baby, Europe is a patchwork of restrictions for people who need help having a child.


Fatty diets may be associated with reduced semen quality

Men's diets, in particular the amount and type of different fats they eat, could be associated with their semen quality according to the results of a study published online in Europe's leading reproductive medicine journal ...

Medical research

The end of the 'Lily of the Valley phenomenon' in sperm research?

According to a 2003 study by German and American scientists, a component of the Lily of the Valley scent known as Bourgeonal alters the calcium balance of human sperm and attracts the sperm. The "Lily of the Valley phenomenon" ...


Scientists link dietary DHA to male fertility

Who knew that male fertility depends on sperm-cell architecture? A University of Illinois study reports that a certain omega-3 fatty acid is necessary to construct the arch that turns a round, immature sperm cell into a pointy-headed ...

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