
Doctors can now watch spinal cord activity during surgery

With technology developed at UC Riverside, scientists can, for the first time, make high resolution images of the human spinal cord during surgery. The advancement could help bring real relief to millions suffering chronic ...


Scientists develop low-cost device to make cell therapy safer

A tiny device built by scientists at MIT and the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology could be used to improve the safety and effectiveness of cell therapy treatments for patients suffering from spinal cord ...

Medical research

Repairing nerve cells after injury and in chronic disease

Each year in the United States there are more than 3 million cases of peripheral neuropathy, wherein nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord are damaged and cause pain and loss of feeling in the affected areas. Peripheral ...

Medical research

New clues into the head-scratching mystery of itch

Scientists at Harvard Medical School have shown for the first time that a common skin bacterium—Staphylococcus aureus—can cause itch by acting directly on nerve cells.


New biomarker predicts whether neurons will regenerate

Neurons, the main cells that make up our brain and spinal cord, are among the slowest cells to regenerate after an injury, and many neurons fail to regenerate entirely. While scientists have made progress in understanding ...


Unlocking a secret nerve cell regenerator

Just like a gecko that regrows a broken tail, our peripheral nervous system knows how to regenerate the branches of its cells after an injury. Unfortunately, the cells in our central nervous system—our brain and spinal ...

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