
When spine surgery is the answer

Having a back injury can put a person's life on hold. While most people can find relief through nonsurgical methods like physical therapy, steroid injections and medication management, some patients, including those with ...


Penn performs first-in-world robot-assisted spinal surgery

Noah Pernikoff is back to his life in New York City after becoming the first patient in the world to undergo a complex three-part, robotic-assisted surgery. The robotic arms made it possible for the multidisciplinary team ...


Taking the guess work out of spinal surgery

Spinal fusion is a highly invasive surgery where an implant is placed in the spine to prevent movement between bones. The treatment has a high failure rate after only five years, however Te Whare Wānanga o Waitahi | University ...


Two spine surgeons are three times safer than one

A new team approach has improved safety—reducing rates of major complications by two thirds—for complex spinal reconstructive surgery for spinal deformity in adult Group Health patients at Virginia Mason Hospital & Seattle ...

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