Psychology & Psychiatry

Blood pressure drug holds promise for treating PTSD

There is new evidence that a 50-year-old blood pressure drug could find new purpose as a treatment to mitigate the often life-altering effects of increasingly prevalent PTSD, scientists say.


Q&A: Cervical disk replacement

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My husband has had terrible neck pain for a few years. It has gotten to the point where he cannot turn his head to either side enough to drive safely. We heard that replacing a disk in his neck might be ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Elite sports linked with osteoarthritis risk

Competing at the elite level in sports is linked with an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis and joint pain in later life, a study suggests.

Medical research

Small-molecule drug reverses neural effects of concussion

A small molecule called ISRIB that was identified at UC San Francisco can reverse the neuronal and cognitive effects of concussion in mice weeks after an injury occurred, new research has found.


Research team reveals underpinnings of how motor memory forms

When you are first learning how to ride a bicycle or play a musical instrument, your physical movements are uncoordinated at best. But with time and lots of repetition, your brain's motor neurons create a kind of shorthand ...


Engineered mattress tricks your body to fall asleep faster

When people feel sleepy or alert, that sensation is controlled in part by the ebb and flow of a 24-hour rhythm of their body temperature. Bioengineers at The University of Texas at Austin have developed a unique mattress ...

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