
Quorn protein builds muscle better than milk protein

A study from the University of Exeter has found that mycoprotein, the protein-rich food source that is unique to Quorn products, stimulates post-exercise muscle building to a greater extent than milk protein.

Medical research

Quantitative imaging application to gut and ear cells

From tracking activities within bacteria to creating images of molecules that make up human hair, several experiments have already demonstrated the unique abilities of the revolutionary imaging technique called multi-isotope ...

Medical research

Mapping metabolism with a novel imaging technique

Yale researchers have developed a new imaging technique that captures detailed information about metabolism, which plays a role in many diseases. The novel yet simple technique, which harnesses existing technology, could ...

Oncology & Cancer

YBX1 as a key regulator of mitochondrial pyruvate uptake

Cancer metastasis is a crucial area in cancer research that directly affects patient survival and treatment outcomes. Cancer cells often undergo adaptive metabolic changes during metastasis from in situ to distant organs ...

Endocrinology & Metabolism

New research offers prospects to measure metabolic rate

Scientists from Skoltech Institute of Science and Technology have proven that along with the level of biochemical substances in the living organism, we can also measure the substances' turnover rate. This analysis will improve ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer biology: Keeping bad company

The p53 tumor suppressor protein manages DNA repair mechanisms in response to genetic damage and kills off precancerous cells before they multiply. The loss of p53 due to mutation greatly increases risk of tumorigenesis. ...