Psychology & Psychiatry

Gender stereotypes and nature vs. nurture

Is gender difference a result of nature or nurture? Is neuroscience research being manipulated to support gender stereotypes? A debate at the Festival of Ideas will explore the issue later this month.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study on language and stereotypes suggests ways to reduce prejudice

(Medical Xpress)—Hearing generic language to describe a category of people, such as "boys have short hair," can lead children to endorse a range of other stereotypes about the category, a study by researchers at NYU and ...


Time with parents is important for teens' well-being

It's thought that children grow increasingly distant and independent from their parents during their teen years. But a new longitudinal study has found that spending time with parents is important to teens' well-being.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Love knows no gender difference

(HealthDay) -- Think married men and women show their love in vastly different ways? Not necessarily.

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