Medical research

New treatment could ease the passage of kidney stones

Every year, more than half a million Americans visit the emergency room for kidney stone problems. In most cases, the stones eventually pass out of the body on their own, but the process can be excruciatingly painful.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers propose new treatment to prevent kidney stones

Researchers have found evidence that a natural fruit extract is capable of dissolving calcium oxalate crystals, the most common component of human kidney stones. This finding could lead to the first advance in the treatment ...

Medical research

'Stoned' gene key to maintaining normal brain function

(Medical Xpress) -- Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that a protein produced by a gene identified in fruitflies, is responsible for communication between nerve cells in the brain.


Shock therapy to help erectile dysfunction

(Medical Xpress) -- A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine shows that a little shock to the penis may help treat severe erectile dysfunction that does not respond well to prescription drug treatments.

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