
Restoring health and fitness with exercise

If COVID-19 restrictions have kept you home exercising less and eating more, it could be affecting your health as could the stress, boredom and isolation of this time. Exercise can help.


How quickly do we become unfit?

Getting in shape isn't easy. But after all that hard work, how long do we actually maintain it? Turns out that even the great effort we put into training, taking a bit of time off can mean that we become "unfit" much faster ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Study reveals roadmap of muscle decline with age

Scientists have produced a comprehensive roadmap of muscle aging in mice that could be used to find treatments that prevent decline in muscle mobility and function, according to a report published today in eLife.


The miracle cure is exercise, not vitamin D

In residents of northern latitudes, the content of vitamin D in the body varies naturally throughout the year. This coincides with varying exposure to sunlight, which typically is high in summer and low in winter. Our most ...

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