
Drug reduces inflammation in stroke patients

An anti-inflammatory drug given to patients in the early stages of a stroke has been shown by researchers at The University of Manchester and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust to reduce harmful inflammation.


Prompt clot-grabbing treatment produces better stroke outcomes

Clot removal may be beneficial up to 24 hours following stroke in carefully selected patients, but every hour delayed after symptoms begin may be associated with more disability, according to preliminary research presented ...


When it comes to strokes, timing is everything

Sudden onset of blurred vision, slurred speech, numbness or paralysis in the face, arm, or leg can be indications of a stroke. Oftentimes, many wait to seek help, but this can be a fatal mistake: the risks of permanent damage ...


One in three American adults may have had a warning stroke

About one in three American adults experienced a symptom consistent with a warning or "mini" stroke, but almost none - 3 percent - took the recommended action, according to a new survey from the American Heart Association/American ...


CT measures can accurately identify stroke onset

(HealthDay)—Computed tomography (CT) can measure brain water uptake, which can be used to identify stroke patients with symptom onset within 4.5 hours, according to a study published online Nov. 7 in the Annals of Neurology.

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