Oncology & Cancer

Turning cells against pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer has a grim prognosis. It is usually detected after the disease has spread, and chemotherapy tends to do little to slow the cancer's growth. Even with treatment, most patients live only about six months after ...

Oncology & Cancer

New insights on the addictions of tumors

Researchers at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP) and UC San Diego have shown that tumors can ensure a more reliable nutrient supply by eliminating the p62 protein in surrounding stromal tissue. Specifically, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Now we know why drugs don't work on pancreatic cancer

The trouble with treating cancer is that each type has its own quirks. The quirks of pancreatic cancer make it one of the most lethal. The survival period after diagnosis is only four to six months. The main reason is that ...

Medical research

Scientists wage fight against aging bone marrow stem cell niche

As people get older so do the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that form their blood, creating an increased risk for compromised immunity and certain blood cancers. Now researchers are reporting in the scientific journal EMBO ...

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