
Excessive sugar intake linked with unhealthy fat deposits

Sugar consumption is linked with larger fat deposits around the heart and in the abdomen, which are risky for health. That's the finding of a study published today in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a journal ...


Diet soda may be hurting your diet

Artificial sweeteners are everywhere, but the jury is still out on whether these chemicals are harmless. Also called non-nutritive sweeteners, these can be synthetic—such as saccharin and aspartame—or naturally derived, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

More reasons why you must manage your stress

If you've ever experienced an immobilizing sense of panic when faced with a difficult or threatening situation, you're not alone. It turns out that the well-documented fight-or-flight instinct for self-preservation isn't ...


Blue light at night increases the consumption of sweets in rats

A new study demonstrates that just one hour of exposure to blue light at night—the kind of light produced by the screens of many devices—raises blood sugar levels and increases sugar consumption in male rats. This study, ...

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