Medical research

Microbes in the gut may influence metabolism

The 10 trillion bacteria living in your digestive system may not be human, but they seem to be as integral to your body as your heart or liver. A growing number of studies are finding that microbes in the gut directly influence ...


Sugar causes obesity even without sweet taste

Sugar causes obesity even in the absence of its sweet taste, according to a new study. The research was conducted in mice and also uncovered an increased risk of metabolic syndrome (increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, ...


People who eat a late dinner may gain weight

Eating a late dinner may contribute to weight gain and high blood sugar, according to a small study published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Medical research

Fat droplets play surprise role in metabolism

In suspense novels, the most unassuming character sometimes turns out to be a mastermind, influencing events without attracting attention. That same storyline may be afoot in cells as well: an unglamorous fat-storing droplet ...

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