Oncology & Cancer

Cancer vaccine could use immune system to fight tumors

Cincinnati Cancer Center (CCC) and UC Cancer Institute researchers have found that a vaccine, targeting tumors that produce a certain protein and receptor responsible for communication between cells and the body's immune ...


Couch potato? It could be genetic

(Medical Xpress)—Scientists in China and Aberdeen have made a key discovery which could explain why some people are 'couch potatoes'.


Molecular interplay explains many immunodeficiencies

Australian scientists have described an exquisitely balanced interplay of four molecules that trigger and govern antibody production in immune cells. As well as being an important basic science discovery, it helps explain ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study shows TWEAK-Fn14 is drug target for cancer

(Medical Xpress)—A cellular pathway interaction known as TWEAK-Fn14, often associated with repair of acute injuries, also is a viable target for drug therapy that could prevent the spread of cancer, especially brain cancer, ...

Oncology & Cancer

New knowledge on molecular mechanisms behind breast cancer

Researchers at University of Copenhagen have gained more insight into the molecular mechanisms of importance for, for example, cancer cell growth and metastasis. The research objective is improved and more targeted drugs. ...


Molecular structure reveals how HIV infects cells

In a long-awaited finding, a team of Chinese and US scientists has determined the high-resolution atomic structure of a cell-surface receptor that most strains of HIV use to get into human immune cells. The researchers also ...


Deciphering the enemy's ID

Immunologists at LMU have come up with a new technique that can be used both to fight tumors and to treat autoimmune diseases. A new grant from the Federal Ministry for Education and Research will enable the method to be ...


Could turning on a gene prevent diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90 % of cases of diabetes around the world, afflicting 2.5 million Canadians and costing over 15 billion dollars a year in Canada. It is a severe health condition which makes body cells incapable ...

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