
What is a bunion and do I need to get mine treated?

While most people don't like the sight of bunions, they're much more than a cosmetic issue. A bunion can cause pain and impact physical function, as well as affecting general health, mental health and social function. Limitations ...


Paradigm shift in the treatment of pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a disease of the elderly: the average age of patients is 72. In Austria, about 1,600 people are diagnosed each year. Since pancreatic cancer has no specific symptoms, it is not usually diagnosed until ...

Oncology & Cancer

New factors that can predict breast cancer recurrence defined

Genetics and other factors that can determine if a woman is at risk for a recurrence of breast cancer have been identified by investigators at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, providing new research avenues ...


Pain relief without side effects with promising technique

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have developed a completely new stimulation method, using ultra-thin microelectrodes, to combat severe pain. This provides effective and personalized pain relief without the common ...


Scientists program robot for 'soft tissue' surgery

Not even the surest surgeon's hand is quite as steady and consistent as a robotic arm built of metal and plastic, programmed to perform the same motions over and over. So could it handle the slippery stuff of soft tissues ...

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