
Q&A: Foods to help maximize your memory

Dear Mayo Clinic: I enjoy cooking, but I prefer to work with the freshest ingredients. As such, I grow my own fruits and vegetables in a small garden and purchase other fresh produce from a local farmers market. I've read ...


Carotene-rich diet linked to lower fat levels in arteries

A high level of carotenes in the blood is linked with a lower degree of atherosclerosis in the arteries and thus a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. These are the conclusions of a new study by a team of researchers from ...


Fruit and vegetables: Is it better to peel them?

Many people's default when preparing fruit and vegetables is to peel them. But often, it's not necessary. There are important nutrients in the peel. And, what's more, discarded fruit and veg peels contribute to climate change.


Should your kids take multivitamins or supplements?

Vitamins are one of the most common ways to ensure children receive essential nutrients for growing in the healthiest way possible, but over-the-counter vitamins may be doing more harm than good.


Ramadan: A dietitian offers tips for healthy fasting

Ramadan is the month in the Islamic calendar when the Qur'an was revealed to the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). During the month, Muslims abstain from all sensory pleasures (like food and drink, sex, TV and music) from dawn to ...


Five surprising ways plants can keep you healthy

Plants can hurt us (we see you, poison oak), but they can also heal. Many of modern medicine's powerful drugs, like aspirin, trace their roots back to leaves, bark and flowers.

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