Inflammatory disorders

How to fight hidden causes of inflammation

(HealthDay)—Tamping down inflammation is a must for people with a chronic inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. But you can be exposed to damaging inflammation without having a specific medical condition.


Sweet-spot brain stimulation may halt Parkinson's progression

Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) neurologists and scientists, along with colleagues from Charité-Berlin University of Medicine, are reporting that the use of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) in a very specific location ...


Are you getting enough sleep for your best heart health?

Getting a good night's sleep is important. But exactly how much sleep do you need? Recently, the American Heart Association added sleep to its checklist for improving and maintaining your heart health. Dr. Regis Fernandes, ...


Researchers find new ways to improve CPR

An international research consortium, which included faculty members from the University of Minnesota Medical School, was able to identify what is likely an optimal combination of chest compression frequency and depth when ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Stiff muscles are a counterintuitive superpower of NBA athletes

For most people, the term "stiffness" has negative connotations. When you wake up in the morning complaining of a "stiff back," the remedy might include taking a hot shower, doing some yoga, swallowing aspirin, or visiting ...


How sleep habits can affect weight

About one in three adults in the United States report routinely not getting enough sleep. Sleep insufficiency is associated with increased risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, mental health problems, injuries, loss ...

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