
Brain activity patterns during sleep consolidate memory

Why does sleeping on it help? This is the question tackled by new research at the University of Bristol, which reveals how brain activity during sleep sorts through the huge number of experiences we encounter every day, filing ...


A cocktail party in a dish: How neurons filter the chatter

While dining with a friend at a noisy restaurant, you listen attentively to her entertaining account of last night's date. Despite the cacophony flooding your auditory system, your brain remarkably filters your friend's voice ...


A network of artificial neurons learns to use human language

A group of researchers from the University of Sassari (Italy) and the University of Plymouth (UK) has developed a cognitive model, made up of two million interconnected artificial neurons, able to learn to communicate using ...


Professor investigates role of stress in surgery recovery

Can keeping calm before surgery decrease your post-operative pain and shorten your recovery time? That's the focus of current research by U of T Mississauga assistant professor of psychology Loren Martin.

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