
The biology behind alcohol-induced blackouts

(Medical Xpress) -- A person who drinks too much alcohol may be able to perform complicated tasks, such as dancing, carrying on a conversation or even driving a car, but later have no memory of those escapades. These periods ...


Memory can be strengthened by unrelated experiences, study finds

There is a legend that many hundreds of years ago—long before printing presses, computers, or telephones existed—a special method was used to remember significant events, such as land transfers, crucial agreements, or ...


Engrams emerging as the basic unit of memory

Though scientist Richard Semon introduced the concept of the "engram" 115 years ago to posit a neural basis for memory, direct evidence for engrams has only begun to accumulate recently as sophisticated technologies and methods ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Could a poo transplant one day be the secret of eternal youth?

Fecal transplants could one day be used as a therapy to restore cognitive function in the elderly—according to new research from the University of East Anglia, the University of Florence and the Quadram Institute.

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