
Research explains the formation of long-term motor memory

Recent studies of long-term motor memory have pointed out the involvement of synaptic plasticity at multiple sites in the cerebellum, but the physiological mechanism remains unclear. Now results from a collaboration of researchers ...


Tackling neurotransmission precision

Behind all motor, sensory and memory functions, calcium ions are in the brain, making those functions possible. Yet neuroscientists do not entirely understand how fast calcium ions reach their targets inside neurons, and ...


Full detonation in the hippocampus

Altering synaptic plasticity leads to a computational switch in a hippocampal synapse: the presynaptic neuron turns into 'detonator' mode, causing its postsynaptic partner to fire more readily. This new insight into information ...


How can ultrasonic brain stimulation cure brain diseases?

Just as rays of sunlight can be focused by a magnifying glass, beams of ultrasound can be focused—not to start a fire, but to converge on a specific target. The pulses of ultrasound are able to pass through obstructions ...


Glia triggers synapse elimination during development

Polyinnervation takes place during the first phases of development, creating a great number of synapses. Then, neuronal circuits require the elimination of the excess synaptic contacts established in the early stages of neuronal ...

Medical research

Study in mice yields Angelman advance

In a new study in mice, a scientific collaboration centered at Brown University lays out in unprecedented detail a neurological signaling breakdown in Angelman syndrome, a disorder that affects thousands of children each ...

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