Medical research

How gut microbes help mend damaged muscles

The human immune system is incredibly versatile. Among its most skilled multitaskers are T cells, known for their role in everything from fighting infection to reining in inflammation to killing nascent tumors.


How gut bacteria evade the immune system

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen address the long-standing question of how benign gut microbes evade the immune system. In doing so, they also reshape our understanding of how immune receptors ...


With fractured genomes, Alzheimer's neurons call for help

A new study by researchers in The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT provides evidence from both mouse models and postmortem human tissue of a direct link between two problems that emerge in Alzheimer's disease: ...


How the body identifies helpful bacteria

Trillions of bacteria and other microbes thrive in our gut microbiomes, and over the last decade, scientists have become increasingly aware of the vital role that they play in creating a healthy gastrointestinal environment. ...

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