Oncology & Cancer

Use of sunbeds leads to 3000+ cases of melanoma a year in Europe

Of 63,942 new cases of cutaneous melanoma (a form of skin cancer) diagnosed each year in Europe an estimated 3,438 (5.4%) are related to sunbed use. Sunbed users are at a 20% increased relative risk of skin cancer compared ...

Oncology & Cancer

The Medical Minute: No such thing as a 'safe' tan

In the United States, one person dies of melanoma every hour. More than 60,000 new cases of this potentially fatal form of skin cancer will be diagnosed this year, and this number is growing at an alarming rate.

Oncology & Cancer

Skin cancer increasingly common in teens and young adults

(Medical Xpress) -- With summer just around the corner, pediatricians at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center are sounding the alarm on a disturbing trend: A growing number of teenagers and young adults diagnosed with skin ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study finds dramatic rise in skin cancer in young adults

Even as the rates of some cancers are falling, Mayo Clinic is seeing an alarming trend: the dramatic rise of skin cancer, especially among people under 40. According to a study by Mayo Clinic researchers published in the ...

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