Oncology & Cancer

Solving cancer's secrets

Some fathers play ball with their sons. Or take them fishing. Chuck Perou's father took his son to his pathology lab to show him how a pathologist conducts tests and runs experiments. Perou, a nature junky at a young age, ...

Medical research

New possible target to combat muscle wasting

The pathological atrophy of skeletal muscle is a serious biomedical problem for which no effective treatment is currently available. The most affected populations are the elderly diagnosed with sarcopenia and patients with ...

Oncology & Cancer

Drug is identified that could block the spread of melanoma

(Medical Xpress)—Cancer is at its most curable when it's caught before it spreads. That's especially true in the case of melanoma, where survival rates can be as high as 97 percent when caught early—and as low as 15 percent ...

Medical research

New computational method exploits the polypharmacology of drugs

(Medical Xpress)—If life were simple, a disease could be treated with one drug that hits one molecular target, like striking a piano key. Instead, researchers wrestle with the fact that most drugs hit multiple targets in ...


Study identifies protein to repair damaged brain tissue in MS

Vittorio Gallo, PhD, Director of the Center for Neuroscience Research at Children's National Health System, and other researchers have found a "potentially novel therapeutic target" to reduce the rate of deterioration and ...

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