Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Taste and smell gone forever? The anguish of COVID survivors

Three days after testing positive for COVID-19, "everything tasted like cardboard," recalls 38-year-old Elizabeth Medina, who lost her sense of taste and smell at the start of the pandemic. A year later, she fears she will ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Loss of sense of smell and taste may last up to 5 months after COVID-19

People with COVID-19 may lose their sense of smell and taste for up to five months after infection, according to a preliminary study released today, February 22, 2021, that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology's ...


Taste and its two ways to the brain

There are a few ways we perceive food, and not all are particularly well-understood. We know that much of it happens in the olfactory bulb, a small lump of tissue between the eyes and behind the nose, but how the stimuli ...


Augmented reality visor makes cake taste moister, more delicious

Researchers have developed an augmented reality (AR) visor system that enables them to manipulate the light coming off food in such a way as to 'trick' people consuming the food into experiencing it as more or less moist, ...


Re-mapping taste in the brain

What happens in our brain that makes us experience the sweet taste of a donut or the bitter taste of tonic water? What are the patterns of neural activity responsible for the perception of taste? A new study from Stony Brook ...

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