
Do sweet tastes reduce appetite?

The sweet taste of sugar is very popular worldwide. In Austria and Germany, the yearly intake per person adds up to about 33 and 34 kilograms, respectively. Thus, sugar plays an increasing role in the nutrition and health ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Q&A: Lost Your Sense of Smell? Suspect COVID-19

A resurgence of COVID-19 is striking Connecticut and the nation. UConn Today sat down with the Chief of the Division of ENT at UConn Health, Dr. Denis Lafreniere, to get the latest information about one of the tell-tale symptoms ...


Persimmons pack plenty of nutritional punch

Persimmons are low in calories and high in fiber—a combination that makes them a good choice for weight control. Their mix of antioxidants and nutrients—including vitamins A and C—makes them ideal for a healthy diet.


Taste buds may play role in fostering obesity in offspring

Cornell food scientists show in animal studies that a mother's high-fat diet may lead to more sweet-taste receptors and a greater attraction to unhealthy food in their offspring—resulting in poor feeding behavior, obesity ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How COVID-19 smell loss differs from the common cold

New research from a European group of smell disorder experts, including Prof Philpott at the University of East Anglia, shows how smell loss associated with COVID-19 infection differs from what you typically might experience ...

Medical research

New type of taste cell discovered in taste buds

Our mouths may be home to a newly discovered set of multi-tasking taste cells that—unlike most known taste cells, which detect individual tastes—are capable of detecting sour, sweet, bitter and umami stimuli. A research ...

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