
Drinking water from plastic pipes - is it harmful?

Pipe-in-pipe systems are now commonly used to distribute water in many homes. The inner pipe for drinking water is made of a plastic called cross-linked polyethylene (PEX). Are these pipes harmful to health and do they affect ...


How does the brain know what the tongue knows?

Each taste, from sweet to salty, is sensed by a unique set of neurons in the brains of mice, new research reveals. The findings demonstrate that neurons that respond to specific tastes are arranged discretely in what the ...

Medical research

How do you stop tasting?

New findings may lend insight into why some people are especially sensitive to bitter tastes. Scientists from the Monell Center and Givaudan Flavors have identified a protein inside of taste cells that acts to shorten bitter ...


When it comes to eating, rats follow their noses

( -- Associate professor Don Katz sits in his modest office while a colleague makes a cappuccino next door. The small machine gurgles and churns and the smell of fresh brewed coffee wafts through the air.

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