Medical research

New bitter blocker discovered

Although bitterness can sometimes be desirable – such as in the taste of coffee or chocolate – more often bitter taste causes rejection that can interfere with food selection, nutrition and therapeutic compliance. ...


Thank mom for your love of garlic

That special method to make spaghetti sauce can certainly come from a mother's influence -- but research shows that mothers have a big impact on their kids' food preferences for certain flavors even before a baby enters the ...


Organic food label imparts 'health halo,' study finds

Don't judge food by its organic label because "organic" doesn't necessarily mean good it's for you. Yet a new study by Jenny Wan-Chen Lee, a graduate student in Cornell's Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, ...


One in ten kids have taste problems

The prevalence of taste disorders in Australian children could be three times above the level defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a major public health crisis, new UNSW research has found.

Medical research

Human taste cells regenerate in a dish

Following years of futile attempts, new research from the Monell Center demonstrates that living human taste cells can be maintained in culture for at least seven months. The findings provide scientists with a valuable tool ...

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