
Can a daily cup of tea do a heart good?

The latest study on the coffee alternative suggests at least a cup a day may help your body cling to heart-helping "good cholesterol" as you age.


What is kombucha and how do the health claims stack up?

The drink kombucha was previously only popular in hipster cafes, but is now vying for space on the supermarket shelves. Many claims are made about the health benefits of drinking kombucha, but what does the science say?

Overweight & Obesity

Do 'skinny teas' actually boost weight loss?

Weight loss teas are becoming common, with advertisements claiming dramatic results often appearing online. Do the big promises match the results, or do they only match the price tag?


Drinking hot tea every day linked to lower glaucoma risk

Drinking a cup of hot tea at least once a day may be linked to a significantly lower risk of developing the serious eye condition, glaucoma, finds a small study published online in the British Journal of Ophthalmology.


Diet success may depend on your DNA

We can add one more thing to the list of traits affected by genetics: how our bodies respond to a particular diet.


Study discounts fluoride as a danger for tea drinkers

If you drink tea, you can rest assured about your children's teeth or your adult bones, now that a University of Florida research team has found that most teas contain safe amounts of fluoride.

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